At a Glance

Check out the features, amenities of the Mar Ivanios College Library to get a clear-cut idea of the place at a Glance

featured book

Featured book of the month.


The Library has a collection over 74,000 books on different genres varying General, Scienctific, Fiction, etc.


The Library has collection of over 3 lakhs E-Books, E-Journals, Access those from anywhere at anytime.

Around 1000 square meters

The Library has around 1000 square meters and it leverges your reading, learning with respect to the silence

Latest Books

"Oh, what a delicious smell of new books!" Check out our new arrivals on the shelf.

Mar Ivanios College

Mar Ivanios College is an educational institutuion situated in Trivandrum, the capital city of Kerala, India managed by MSC Management.